Eye of the Coach
Eye of the Coach
By Team6
Available Now!
In this game you are a coach and you want to bring your fighter to the top! Coach him well and choose which stats your fighter should focus on. During the battle, you coach your player which moves to do and if he's obedient he will follow your advice.
Battle all opponents to beat the game!
Screenshot 1: Walk around and talk to various people.
Video 1: Coach your fighter during battle.
Blog update 2 - Market research
Challenge 2 - Game Survey
The market research results are in! We asked for your opinion on a few choices we need to make for the ultimate gaming experience. Here are the results.
The first question was on the time period. Around 89% of the respondents don't like the present. However, it's unclear if this has anything to do with the pandemic raging across earth these days. Anyway, we can't ignore your input and will consider another time in history (or future) (or both).
The second question learns you don't like an emotional rollercoaster (12%). It should either be a light hearted (44%) of a very depressing game (44%). We're leaning towards a fun light hearted game. Perhaps with a twist...
Third question. We wanted to know if our protagonist should be addressed as a him or her. The answers were again perfectly in balance. Yet some would say gender is a social construct. Therefor we might decide to simply not to choose either and leave this up to your own interpretation.
Pizza is definitely the food of your choice (67%). The fourth question had without doubt the most convincing outcome. We'll make sure to add a few slices (or a box?) to the game.
Finally, the fifth question shows you like the color red (56%) over blue (33%) or yellow (11%) . We guess the choice for a blood sport was the right one.
Blog update 1 - Meet the team
Wild Card Challenge 1 - Team Picture
- Presenting Team 6 -
Find the not so subtle hint about what the game will be about.
Welcome to the team 6 blog!
Find the latest updates, challenges and other information on the GB hackathon 2020 game by team 6 here.
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Grape game! 10/10!